Ryde Baptist Church operates under a typical Baptist or Congregationalist model. This means that all key decisions regarding the strategy and structure of the church are made through a vote of members.
Our pastors and elders are also appointed through a membership vote. In doing so, pastors and elders are entrusted with the authority necessary to carry out their roles, but the overall responsibility for the direction of the church continues to reside with the body of members.
The primary responsibility of members is to seek the mind of Christ and God’s direction for his church together. In order to do this in an informed and orderly manner, members are expected to attend members’ business meetings (a few times per year) to vote on key issues about the church.
Please note that there is no requirement to become a member in order to regularly attend Ryde Baptist Church. Membership is an optional step that you can take in order to have greater voice into the direction of RBC.
How to become a member
To become a member, a person needs to have attended the church regularly for a period of time. If you’re then interested in becoming a member, you can approach an elder or the company secretary for an application, which will then be considered by the elders.